
What is Jazz?

КомпозиторJoseph Hasper
ИздательJoseph Hasper
Жанр Джаз / Свинг
Инструменты Фортепиано, Тромбон, Труба, Электрогитара, Бас-гитара, Чтец, Саксофон альт, Саксофон тенор, Саксофон баритон, Ударная установка
Состав исполнителейБиг Бэнд
Тип нотПартитура, Партии
Время звучания 6'30"
Уровень сложности Выше среднего
Год создания 2019
A dramatic reading for jazz ensemble and narrators based on sayings attributed to Yogi Berra. Scored for jazz ensemble 5-4-4 g/p/b/d with two speaking parts ("The Interviewer" and "Yogi Berra").

In this theatrical piece of music an interviewer intends to have a serious talk about jazz with "noted jazz historian" Yogi Berra. Yogi doesn't mean to be funny but merely expresses himself with jumbled, illogical logic. The dialogue is broken in three scenes, each of which is framed with a musical interlude. The band and/or rhythm section plays several musical cues behind the narration in the style of the house band for a late-night talk show.

This piece was first performed by the Grove City College Jazz Ensemble with Dr. Joshua Drake ("The Interviewer") and Dr. Andrew Mitchell ("Yogi Berra") on May 3, 2019. Watch their performance on YouTube: https://youtu.be/bBCNIkVtESg

Дата публикации 20 май 2019
Всего скачиваний 1

2.30 Мб
(90 с.)


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