Joseph Hasper
Joseph Hasper


Dream Trajectories

KomponistJoseph Hasper
VerlegerJazz Charts Online
Genre Klassische Musik / Instrumentalmusik
Instrumentierung Orgel
Partitur fürSolo
Art der PartiturFür einen Interpreten
Länge 9'45"
Schwierigkeitsgrad Fortgeschritten
Jahr der Komposition 2011
Dream Trajectories was inspired by the nature of dreams and how we experience them. In dreams, the laws of nature and physics do not always apply--at least not in the way they normally do. Cause and effect can be reversed, or done away with.
The same events can be played out repeatedly with different results. The familiar becomes unfamiliar, and we may at times have uncanny insights and magical abilities.

Time takes on a different quality in dreams, too. Scenes from a long time ago can be juxtaposed with recent events. The passage of years can occur in a blink. Sometimes there is no perception of time at all, and we simply experience events without any reference to time.

And sometimes dreams are scary.

Dream Trajectories was composed in 2010 for Dr. Joseph Henry, and was premiered by Dr. Henry in April, 2011 at the University of Minnesota.

Datum des Uploads 27 Jun 2012

Noten 5.99 USD
640.4 Kb
(22 S.)


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